So basically my friend gave me a month supply of diet whey as he had an reaction to the stuff. I was wondering if anyone has used them on here and if they help or make you binge as they are to be used as a meal replacement? Any advice and help would be great ☺☺☺
So I am looking to loose 90lbs by Christmas. At minute I am 20st 6lbs and want to be down to 14lbs. Worked out from now til then would be 3lbs a week. Question is is this possible with diet and gym sessions of cardio and weights?? Or am I day dreaming?? Has anyone done this before. HELP please!!!
So been doing this on and off for 3 years, 6 months seriously though. In the 3 years I started at 32 st 4lbs and now weight 20st 3lbs. My target weight is 12 st which is a healthy weight for my height. I am looking for like minded people who want to loose a big number to so I can learn from them and help them in return…