I ran into my c word sister in law today at the school after dropping my daughter off. One of the mum's was talking to me about the fact that she can notice my weight loss (yayyyyyy) then Helen (evil sister in law) butts in to tell me that I need to stop competing with her. She then proceeded to tell this other lady that…
I'm starving on non fast days
So I'm finding that on my non fast days, I'm ravenous. It's actual hunger. Not just wanting to eat. Whereas on a fast day, I'm capable of eating a teeny little breakfast and a tiny dinner. Without feeling too hungry. My question is, do I listen to my body and feed it? Or do I restrict what I'm eating to my tdee? Does that…
noob to this group
Hey there! I'm Karen and going to do this amazing 5:2 diet thingie. I give my dog a hungry day each week and inadvertently give myself one as well lol so adding an extra one should be relatively do able. Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated Karen :)
no bloody time :(
Wahhhh how do you find the time to exercise? Between works and kids and housework I'm left exhausted.... Totally up for suggestions and the odd virtual kick up the button I need