Need new mfp's
Hi all I need a few great friends to encourage me. I tend to go off the rails easily and sometimes need a kick up the bum. I prefer friends with open diaries - just because I can't bear the thought of someone looking in mine if I can't see in theirs 🤣 Add if you like 👍
New friends
Hi all 🙂 I'm looking for new people to help me with my goals. I'm on here all the time except over Christmas and any family holidays as I ban all social media on those occasions. I like to nose in other people's diary's - it gives me ideas when they are healthy, and it makes me feel less guilty when they are as bad as mine…
need to know others make mistakes too!
Hi I have been using mfp for a while now, and I'd love a few people who are open with their diary on my list. Almost everyday I eat something I know I shouldn't, and I always log it, but I feel like a failure afterwards, and it doesn't help that all the other users on my friends list are either super good, or never log it…