The secret to drop off all them unwanted pounds
It's hard work and discipline forget all those fat loss pill, they don't even work, hard work in the gym and cleaning up the diet would get anyone to their goals
10lbs in 4 days yikes
My diet was really bad the last 3 months due to my sweet tooth ha, I'm taking in about 1200 calories a day because I want fast results, most of that weight lost is water weight by the way
Going from s**t to fit
If it was easy everyone would be walking around ripped, it's the challenge that makes it great, so I'm going to enjoy my journey and hope everyone else does, don't hesitate to add me by the way
who's getting ready for summer already?
When the sun comes out the guns will also #summer2015
You don't need a new year to improve yourself so if you fail get back up again and again