Hey guys! I'm trying to get together meal plans and I really want to try to up my veggie intake but I was so picky growing up and never ate any (besides corn which is barely a veggie) so I would like some suggestions on ways to sneak veggies into my meals or what veggies have a mellow enough taste for picky eaters. I also…
My husband's FitBit Surge was acting up on Saturday night. It said he had 79,238 steps, burned 11,068 calories and had 350 active minutes, which was the time leading up to midnight. It hadn't recorded his heart rate since 4pm that night though so I don't think he was even wearing it. It then had another 100 active minutes…
Ok, so my husband and I started going to a new gym yesterday and they gave us a packet about nutrition. I've read many posts on MFP saying you can eat whenever you want, its just the calories that matter, but this gym disagrees and says a lot more. Is any of this even a little bit true or are they just idiots? - "There are…