What are good exercises that target the butt on a footless person? I do have knees and can "stand up" on them, and my balance is a little shakey, but not too bad. My stumps don't bear any weight at all. Exercises I do that I can feel in my glutes are hip bridges with my stumps on a ball, supermans, and fire hydrants. I…
I want to get a scale and am interested in the ones that give bf% and sync up with apps. I don't have feet so would have to sit or kneel on it. Would that alter readings in any way? I assume weighing with prosthetics could definitely mess with the numbers. I feel silly for asking, but I don't really know the science behind…
I got rhabdomyolysis with compartment syndrome in Jan, resulting in a double below-knee amputation. Now I'm wondering the amount of calories to maintain and how much to consume for weight loss. I read something about the weight of the limbs I lost and weight before, and all these numbers I just don't have. I'm not sure how…