Looking for friends to compare food diaries, add me!!
Hey everyone! My name is Jonathan and I'm big dude! I started my weight loss journey at 390lbs! I started seriously dieting in January 11, 2016 and as of today March 18, 2016 I'm down to 349lbs. I owe part of it to keeping loyal to my myfitnesspal diary and logging everything I eat and counting calories. It's really become…
Looking for friends to compare food diaries, add me!
Hey everyone! My name is Jonathan and I'm big dude! I started my weight loss journey at 390lbs! I started seriously dieting in January 11, 2016 and as of today March 18, 2016 I'm down to 349lbs. I owe part of it to keeping loyal to my myfitnesspal diary and logging everything I eat and counting calories. It's really become…
Looking for friends to compare food diaries, add me!!!
Hey everyone! My name is Jonathan and I'm big dude! I started my weight loss journey at 390lbs! I started seriously dieting in January 11, 2016 and as of today March 18, 2016 I'm down to 349lbs. I owe part of it to keeping loyal to my myfitnesspal diary and logging everything I eat and counting calories. It's really become…