I'm sure this has probably been brought up many times in conversations prior but still throwing it out there. I'm trying to push my cardio up everyday and it's kinda hard to believe if I'm really burning the among of Calories the machines are showing. Just want to hear others opinions on this matter? Thanks guys!!!
Looking for some ladies following th Bikini Body Guide with Kayla Itsines... would like to set up a little network of us who are bouncing off positive vibes and uplifting results!!! Who's in
Do you think this portion size is too much for lunch? 5 oz salmon and 2 1/2 cups boiled vegetables I've been gaining weight the last 3 weeks and not losing and I've been eating well, counting calories, lifting and exercising. So I wonder are my portions to big?
2 days ago I had a pretty intense all over body work out, my whole body is sore still today. I actively work out and eat well on the daily, however I am new to spin and total body workouts such as kinesis and ect... My question is I weighted myself the day after my work out and I see that the scale jumped a crazy 4lbs up?…
Any suggestions on how to not retain so much water? I've been working out more and am obviously retaining water due to muscle strain? I haven't seen the scale go down, only stay at a certain weight. But what are some other reasons? Can someone please help?
I'm 4 months post pregnancy, and I weight 8 lbs more than I did after giving birth. This is my second pregnancy and this one was hard on me because I was so sick in the first two trimesters. I only gained 25 lbs during my pregnancy, however I lost all of my muscle it seems that I pretty much had on me at all. The last few…