Hello everyone. I'm new to this group, so if this has been discussed already, please excuse me. Long ago and far away, I was on a keto diet for a while. It was low carb and also low calorie. I lost weight, but couldn't keep it off. I think the calories were too low (less than 1000 a day). I'm contemplating going on a more…
Hello. I'm new to this group, but not completely new to the keto diet. Many years ago I discovered a book call the "Type 2 Diabetes Diet" and followed it. It was a very low carbohydrate diet as well as a very low calorie diet. I lost a lot of weight, but was unable to keep it off. I'm now considering a wiser approach to…
Hello: I'm a menopausal woman who just started this thing. Getting my HDL/LDL levels right, bringing down my A1C a bit - that kind of stuff. I've got about 60 pounds to loose to reach my goal weight, the weight I maintained until I hit 40 and got that 20 extra pounds they give you for free that they don't want returned!…