Hi all. I'm a newbie to this whole fitness thing, but not really. I've started, and stopped, many a workout routine. The longest time I've ever stuck with one was 4 months, maybe, if I'm being generous to myself. I know I need to work out regularly because I'm now slightly overweight and I hate it so much, and every time I…
I'm 18 and female, gearing up to start my freshman year of college, and I'm dead set on my freshman 15 being the opposite direction of everyone else's. I'd like to lose 20-30 pounds by the end of my freshman year (I'm 5'1" and 130 lbs) and after a long history of failed diets and unhealthy relationships with food, I'm…
I've been trying to lose weight for 4 years. I'm in my late teens, 5'1" and 125 lbs. I know I'm not obese or anything, but I'm all flabby and cellulitey and jiggly and I just want to look good in a damn bikini and not feel like crying when someone touches my stomach. For some reason though, I just can't do it. I keep going…
I'm 18, 5'1", and 125 pounds (as of 3 weeks ago. I used to weigh myself daily but haven't had access to a scale as I've been abroad on vacation) I was always a skinny kid, underweight, could eat what I wanted and it never caught up until I was around 12, when I started to carry more weight in my gut. I was worried about…