I have done a few "workouts" lately and active minutes don't show up on the "dashboard " but the "workout" does however come up... What can I do to fix this?
I get into the terrible habit of doing the following over and over again: I buy snacks, pre-portion them into zip lock bags with the calorie content so i can pre-input it in my food diary for the day after so i can count it in as part of my daily food. Then i have one bag. And then next. And the next. I stop buying snacks.…
30min walk? Dog walking? House cleaning?
Once a week I have a junk food "binge". Last night I had a big packet of crisps and a box of triple chocolate chip cookies.... So good..... I plan on that all week
Hi Everyone, I find that when I log exercise into MFP, it also logs it onto my Fitbit Surge :neutral: So I have to go back into the Fitbit app and delete. Anyone's having this same problem?? its so bloody annoying
No I'm not endorsing anything but i love the concept: go to the gym or pay up! I've had it for three weeks and it's a great motivator. I have put down four days at $10 each day. If i don't go, I'll pay up!!
:s a week until ttom and all i want to do it's eat a lot of chocolate!!!! How do you guys manage crazy cravings?