Net carbs or total carbs?
I'm new to doing keto, it's been one week and I've lost 8 pounds! I'm eating 25g of total carbs a day but I was wondering when doing keto do you generally track total or net carbs?
So proud :)
So proud to myself! (one the things our clients say at work). My fiancé whom is not currently doing keto wanted pizza for dinner tonight, I managed to find something keto friendly and sat there while he ate half of a pizza from my favorite place, I'll admit I was giving him some dirty looks but I did not cave in!
Keto anyone?
I am on my third day of my new keto lifestyle of high fat low carbs (only 20g a day!). So far it has not been too bad but I was wondering if there were any of you out there who've already done and have some tips.
Life changes! :)
Hi everyone! My name is Ashton, I'm 23 years old and have been making multiple life changes for the past three years. I had gastric by pass in 2012 and lost 100 pounds! I was so excited but now I'm kind of just staying the same so I've decided to take control once again. I want to be active and am generally a healthy…