Do you need to count calories?
An awesome article by Dani Shugart: https://www.t-nation.com/diet-fat-loss/calories-should-you-be-counting
Calories Don't Matter?
http://drhyman.com/blog/2014/04/10/calories-dont-matter/ I think calories matter to some degree but it's not the "end all, be all" of building a truly healthy body.
Why Do You Struggle?
I'm curious why people struggle with working out and eating healthy. Is it just too much work? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the information out there? Are you not sure which direction you want to go? Let's here some specific reasons on what's keeping you from being happy and healthy.
Milk On The Rocks
I thought I would stop by and say hola. I'm all for helping others while conversing (in a calm and cool manner) about training, physical activity, our diets, along with other topics such as life, spiritual growth, etc. A little about myself: I've been training and conscious about my eating habits since I was in high…