Starting my 30 Day Cleanse this week!
So I started after losing 7 lbs and gaining them all pack during moving and looking for work. The only reason I am doing this is to detox from eating bad foods but I don't want to live on 2 shakes for the rest of my life. I also am using myfitness pal to track what I am eating and help me stay eating clean. I also sync my…
Starting Monday
Hi ladies!!! So I am doing a do over... Stress and hormones has made me gain some extra weight. I need to lose 10 lbs and time up! I am 39 turning 40 in October and have had lots of women issues so hormones get wacky. I am a mom of 4 19,17,23 and 10. I have had 2 C-sections, hernia removal due to a fibroid and…
Newbie who needs to lose 8-10 lbs and needs accountability partners!!!
I am struggling with weight now that I am 39! I need some accountability with eating. My workouts get done but lately too much coffee with creamer and grains ( bad ones) have been my best friend. It is cold and I am stress so I seek them. I need help and a place to report daily!! I use Garmen tracker to track activity!!!…