My name is Hunter and I am a certified G and a bona Stud! BOOM!
Wouldn't mind making a few new friends. As long as you understand I talk filthy and dirty on my wall pretty much all the time! HEHEHEHE
Hi My name is Hunter and I am crazy
My name is Hunter. And I seem to need a few more filthy, perverted, friends. Why? Cause I am filthy and perverted. In other words, I am awesome!
HI, My name is Hunter and I have issues...
I like to cuss a lot, i like to talk filthy a lot, I like to drink, I don't record half the exercise I do, or even half way keep a food log. I am supportive in spurts (hehehe I said spurts). Did I mention I talk filthy a lot. IN short I am awesome and make the perfect MFP friend. When I am sober. That is all.
Sobriety, is it really worth it?
Research says yes, but the taste of booze says no!!!
Texas Folks?
Who all here is living in Texas or Texas born. I am in the DFW area myself.
elboy hutrs and im wayy drunk. anyone e,lsde eben drinkinh
Some one has kidnapped all my beer! All that was left behind was empty bottles!
I have never understood TDEE or macros. Could someone who is patient pm me explaining all this. Thank you!
The bearded one returns...
Hiya. Was on here before as beardewarriortx and left because... well. heck I dont really know. Anyway. I need some motivating friends. Someone to push me. I will warn you that I can be a bit inappropriate, but cant we all lol. So looking for friends. :-)