I've been seeing a lot of the keto diet lately and just curious if anyone's actually doing it or has tried it, looking for thoughts on it. Some of the food looks really good and honestly if it's going to help me lose weight I'd like to know.
I leave for work at 10:30am and I don't get home until almost 9:30 10pm I just like to have a Crockpot meal I throw in and is ready to go when I get home.
So I'm trying a detox diet, every morning I start with a detox tea, and every night before bed I have a detox water. I'm trying a new detox water and tea every week and I really feel like it's working. Does anyone else want to join me on my journey[/b][/b][/b] of detox thing?
Can anyone explain to me how to add people as friends because I can't seem to figure it out I even Googled step by step and it's not happening
looking for people who actually want to help other people with motivation and support all the people I have only do it for a few weeks and then once in awhile will pop on
[b when I think detox I think cleaning the system but when researching detox water all I got was that its flavored water so you are more likely to drink water, can anyone tell me if it actually has any benefits besides flavored water?
Need help staying motivated I have one little slip up and I'm done and it takes me a whole week to get back on track and I can't have that