If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it! Sound off here. How do you see the dress? http://time.com/3725356/dress-blue-black-white-gold/
I'm interested in the opinions of everyone about style and makeup (and such) I've heard guys like less makeup on women, and some like more. What are your opinions on it? What about style? Do you ladies like a well-dressed man, or do you not care so much? Same for guys. Do you like ladies to be more stylish, casual, don't…
Semi, because I did this back in 2013 for a few months and decided to get back on it again! :) My goals are just to get in better shape and lose around 20 lbs. I'd like to weight 120 and am currently around 40...I'd love tips for losing fat when you're already not that big to begin with. I'm 5'5" and it's just so doggone…