Having a bad few days ,,,,,,anyone else out there experiencing the same
I have had a really bad few days and put on 4 lbs I have to get right back on it ,,,,,,! It's a must
Anyone out there who could give me a push ,wanting to get under this stone I've been hovering over for a a few weeks now and need to lose 2 lb to get under it , I'm unable to exercise due to disabilities anyone out there who has ideas please ,,,,?
Aged 50 weighing 15 st 2 lb looking for familiar friends
Hi there I was looking for friends who are around the same has me to discuss maybe how losing weight effects you and any changes ,,,,,,,I have lost 10 lbs already and feel good about it but lollllll I can not see we're it's gone from but obviously it's going has I dropped a dress size to 20uk from 22uk I'm on the large…
Needing friends who are trying to lose a lot of weight
Hi my name is Sally I am trying to lose around 5 stone plus maybe ,,,,I've lost a little so far but it would be nice to Have friends so that we can support each other weekly/ monthly ,,,,,,,, there is a lot of factors that doesn't help with my losing weight medication/physical health problems and just that some one who…