I'm trying to turn Twitter sharing on but I get a Page Not Found screen. Is there another way to turn it on? Thanks
Who here uses Linux? I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32 bit. I saw 2 other threads about this, but they were old threads. I thought I would start another one.
I have a question. I do a lot of walking when I am at work. I walk around the store sweeping the floor and cleaning the store for 4 hours. Do I log this as exercise? If so, how? I saw walking listed in the exercise list, but it has walking 2.0 mph slow pace and others listed like that. What would be the correct one to…
Hi everyone! I don't think I have posted an introduction here before. I'm timmystick but you can call me Tim if you want. I have not really used this app much, but would like to start using it more. I live in Virginia, but I'm from North Carolina. I have Google+ and Hangouts if anyone here would like to add me you can. If…