Fill in the blank. I'm curious to see what people have taken out of their diets to lose weight!
I've found this website incredibly helpful and would like more friends to continue the motivation! I'm 27 years old and currently 137 lbs but looking to lose 7-10 more. Feel free to post here if you are wanting more support & add me as a friend.
Hey there! I've recently joined MFP for some extra support to lose weight & tone up before my wedding in May 2015. Three very short months away!! Anyone in the same boat, or anyone just looking for some extra support, please add me! :smile: Thanks!
This might sound incredibly silly, but something that has really been helping me is keeping positive on a daily basis. I would encourage everyone else who is struggling to give it a try! Tell yourself positive things about your looks, compliment your positive qualities and characteristics, and acknowledge healthy…
Hi there! I'm looking for some fellow "losers" to support me in becoming a loser myself