Hi, I've just joined this group and had a quick read of a handful of posts but most posts seem to be from quite a while ago. Are people still using this group? :/
If any ladies have a Jawbone UP and wishes to add me so we can motivate each other to take more steps / do more exersise then feel free! Also feel free ladies to add me on here also for even more mutual support. My name on UP is Dawn Ellams :)
I have an unbelievable sweet tooth and even when I am full from 'healthy' food I long for chocolate or cake or crisps or anything such as that. How do others combat their sweet cravings??? Tips greatly received!
I need some help and advice. I seem to lose weight (highest 218 -lowest 200) but all I do is hover and yo-yo around the 200-210 mark. I read somewhere that if my carbs are too high then my body will burn off my carbs to get through each day and not actually fat burn. Is this true? If so then I presume I cut back on carbs…