In the last 11 months I have managed to lose 25 lbs and keep it off. Now you may be thinking 25lbs? Big deal. Well it is for me :) ! I have hypothyroidism and have taken thyroid replacement since I was 11, (I'm 46 now), I also am a binge eater,and a stress eater. My point is if I can do it, anyone can! So don't give up…
Ok, I need a little help here. I'm down 21 lbs and my size 14 shorts are to the point that I can't keep them up. But being a 46 year old woman that has had 4 abdominal surgeries * the kind where the incisions were from the bellybutton down*, I have a foo-pa (a pouch) below my naval that is bigger on side than the other...*…
Let me preface by saying that I'm taking 12 credit hours in 12 weeks this summer and have been doing well so far, Until my husband got Gout, our cat got sick and I'm so stressed I can't sleep. So how do you log that nearly 3k calorie day and keep going?