Friends? 'For the very second time'
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome. I am Kieran, currently on my 75th day. i am happy with my current progress although i am now looking to expand my social pathways and help you guys/girls. I am on DAILY and always interact when i can. so for the second time, may we be friends? :p
So, yeah... What are people's snapchat names.. Leave yours down below..
Not new but:)
So... I'm not new but, I'm looking to motivate and acquire new friends... I work for health care as an apprentice and I'm currently trying to bulk I will then cut... Let's.do this..
Help, meal Plans, Training programmes
What is an ideal meal plan... Along with training routine? I am 192 pounds, 6ft tall and work in a office, I am looking to lose weight and tone up... I have no idea, where to really Start with this?
Personal Trainer
Would it be a smart idea to invest in one?..
motivating, talkative people needed.
Hey, I'm looking to lose weight and meet friends along the way...
Hello and welcome, thanks for reading.. I am kieran, 20 from Birmingham. I am looking to lose around 25 pounds and tone up.. I'm looking for people, male or female to support and guide me through this. I also love a chat and I'm on daily (used to have a old account) Look forward to hear from you soon. Kieran
Hey, I'm new looking for friends;) can that be you? i'm kieran, 20 UK.