I'm 18 and on a fitness journey to join the British army, I used to weigh 16stone I'm now 13.5stone (lowest was 11stone). I do a mix of bodybuilding and powerlifting (mainly bodybuilding) while doing a mixture of cardio. Feel free to join me on my fitness journey.
I've gone from an obese 230lbs to a lean 168lbs in a year. Went from doing nothing to lifting and training for the royal marines commandos. What's your greatest success?
My goals were to lose weight, help motivate others to reach their goals and to join the royal marines commandos. I was an obese 230lbs and dropped that down to 168lbs in a year, I'm now lean with around 9% bf and I'm also in my final stages of my application process for the marines. What are your goals?
Looking for people to share our fitness journeys with feel free to add me. I'm 18 and from the United kingdom, been weight training for a year was obese now I'm lean.