How to get back on track
I've lost weight steadily every week since jan and been eating well and getting in the gym x3/wk. Last week I had tonsilitis so diet was whatever I could manage & too ill for gym. Then Easter has hit I can't stop snacking and my motivation for the gym or any activity has vanished. Any tips on getting out of the rut and…
Food hangover
I feel awful! I've been eating well since jan incorporating treats into my diet so that I could enjoy them but still were accounted in my week. This weekend the Easter bunny has ruined me! It's not so much the cals just the type of food I've ate its left me feeling sick bloated headache and just generally feeling awful!…
New scales
I'm looking to buy some new digital scales the ones I have are almost 10 yrs old and I can weigh myself get back on to check and be 3 lbs different within a minute! Anyone recommend any decent ones that measure the half pounds too? Having a bad first half of the week so hoping the plus 2lb at mid week weigh is just cos of…
Weight loss not showing
in the top left corner where it says how many stone you have lost mine currently says 0 I've lost almost 2 stone so far I record weight every week without fail. Is it because it is going from a weight I've recorded in previous years??
What to order in Indian restaurant
hi I am going out to an Indian restaurant for a friends birthday and wondering if anyone has any advice on the best meals to order that won't be sky high in calories? Trying to go in prepared so I don't just order anything! Any help would be appreciated! Lisa