Looking for friends, and motivational support in anyone with a similar journey to mine, or even people with a completely different journey! Feel free to add me and we can be support buddies!
Looking for friends, and motivational support in anyone with a similar journey to mine, or even people with a completely different journey! Feel free to add me and we can be support for each other
Hey, i'm trying to get in shape once again and i'd like to have some new friends to help motivate me along the way. Feel free to add me! :)
Looking for friends, and motivational support in anyone with a similar journey to mine, or even people with a completely different journey! Feel free to add me and we can help each other along to getting in shape!
I have no idea how to add the workouts I did, I know my excersize isn't "0" and i'd like to change it, HELP!
The healthy weight for a chick my size is 130-150 pounds and i'm 195 :# i'm here to reach my goal of being a healthy weight and staying that way! Looking for encouragment and to encourage others as well