hey everyone, I have let my body go over the years, I'm 26 now, and I weigh 110kilos... This app has kept me on track with my calories. Need motivation to exercise!!!
I made Garlic Spinach and egg white scramble with tomatoes. It was super yum! Here's the recipie: Ingredients 1/2 cup Wilted spinach with garlic 2 egg whites 2 medium tomatoes Just a tiny pinch of salt Dried basil and sage Procedure: Add the wilted spinach to a non stick pan (this way you won't need any oil) Heat it…
so I've lost weight! I need to alter my nitrition, and add in exercise. Destination for body, here I come!!!
Losing weight made me happy! But how I got there didn't.. I continued having high carb and fat food cuz that's what my family ate! I made sure I had very lil so I fall within my calorie limit. I'm not going to get the nutrition I need. So today, I decided to make a healty breakfast using the ingredients I had... It's helps…