Trying to lose this stomach and tone up! HELP!
Hey guys I'm getting back into the swing of things so that I can lose weight in time for my Wedding in November of 2015! I want to look great in my suit! I'm 5'11 191 lbs and I want to get down to a clean 175-180 and tone up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. What are some exercises that I should be doing? Or even…
Want to make working out fun?
http://greatist.com/fitness/ways-bust-out-workout-rut .. Check out this link for ways to make working out fun. Hope these tips can help you.
101 ways to burn stomach fat by Men's Fitness
http://www.mensfitness.com/weight-loss/burn-fat-fast/101-ways-lose-your-gut check out the link guys. A lot of great tips on how to burn stomach fat.
Great Tips!
This was an awesome article! Thanks for the tips!