Anyone read Josie Spinardi's book "How To Have Your Cake & Skinny Jeans too"? She talks about how restrictive and popular diets actually cause yo yo weight loss and gain. These diets destroy our body's natural hunger pangs and appetite, throwing it into chaos so we are no longer able to tune in, leading to emotional eating…
I am a newbie at nutrition/exercise and would appreciate some advice. This is the first time I track my calories and I realise I am really afraid of food. In fact I am VERY afraid of food. I set my weight loss goals at 2 kg per week and have 20 kg to lose in total. Keeping to my 1200 calories have been challenging in so…
Hey there, I am looking for exercise and motivational buddies in Singapore! I like tennis, badminton, cycling, golf, swimming, yoga and my new found love is kiteboarding! Let's spur each other on and share exercise tips to keep fit/look great!
Share your fitness secrets that keep you on track! Some common ones below Weight yourself See how clothes fit More energy More muscle definition More heads turning (always good) Etc Etc