itchy ??
Did any of you get really itchy with the weight loss and or even hives?
week one
So I'm one week out and doing pretty good. First day to get all my required liquids in. One more week of clear liquids. Then two weeks of full liquids. My husband is having a harder time with my diet restrictions than I am. All he wants to do is get take out. Oh well I'm sure this will pass, it's just the stress of my…
surgery done on the 25Th
Well still in mexico sugery all done. Great care and sevice. I'm healing wonderfully!!! Wow first day on clear liquids omg I got a small tummy.
my surgery is in 10 days at Weight loss Forever
I did my one week protein low carb low fat my second week of protein low carb low fat I was hit with a huge loss and death in my family and I still manage to do it. I'm just finishing up my week of full liquids. now I'm going to be starting my week of clears. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Any advice would be…