Overcoming depression and losing 60 lbs!
I still can't believe this was me, just 4 years ago! I used to be a very depressed person and I just went through the motions of life. Alarm going off. Hitting the snooze button 5 times. Dragging myself to work. Drinking/eating too much after work and feeling awful later, wishing I had more self control. Everyday was the…
Happy Monday!!
Who else is going to go for it this week?! Send me a friend request and let's do this together!! :)
TODAY is the day!
I've always been that girl who waited until the last minute to do EVERYTHING. In college I would stay up until early in the morning working on my assignment due just a couple hours later. I've always put things off. Especially my health! I decided New Years 2014 I wasn't waiting any more! I had a wake-up call - I had a…
Dreams demand hustle!
Getting the day started right with positive thinking and my workout! I'm down 60 lbs by healthy eating and exercise! Let's go after our dreams today! Send me a friend request! :)
YOU matter!
Happy Monday! Let's start this week off right - we are stronger than our excuses!! I just finished my workout and I feel great! No matter how busy I am, I'm going to make the time to take care of myself! YOU matter! Send me a friend request and let's do this together!!
Believe in Yourself!!!
Believing in yourself is the first step towards success!! Envision yourself reaching your goals and dreams! Let's go after them today!!! You've got this!! Send me a friend request and let's do this!!!
Focus on the good!!!
May you always count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms #tbt! I hope today you will remember to focus on all of the positive things and people in your life, rather than the negative ones. YOU are strong and YOU are special!!! Send me a friend request! :)
Just Keep Going!!
Sometimes life is going to be challenging, sometimes you are going to make mistakes! Successful people aren't any different! You know what is different about successful people compared to unsuccessful people? They keep going!! Don't be afraid to set goals and challenge yourself! Don't be afraid of failure! Be afraid of not…
Overcoming addictions and depression
Although I've never considered myself dependent on drugs and alcohol, I definitely can relate to what Eminem talks about in this article! I have definitely used food and alcohol in my past as a comfort when I was depressed. I thought it would make me feel better but somehow I always felt worse later. Of course I still love…
Music to help motivate!
I really enjoy music and fun workouts that keep me motivated! Especially if I'm not feeling my best. What music is your favorite to help motivate you? Also please feel free to send me a friend request :)
Finding happiness to live your life!
#tbt! Going to the Chateau Élan last weekend reminded me of being in Paris and visiting the Loire Valley with Patrick last November! It was an amazing and memorable time!!! It may sound silly but before losing weight I didn't travel much at all, in fact it was hardly ever. When we went to Paris I was so excited because I…
Let go of fear!
"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling!" I'm so thankful for the opportunity I have to live the live of my dreams! I used to live a life of fear and depression now I just be myself and enjoy my life! Not everything is perfect, but it doesn't have to be to be happy! You're never to old to dream big!!!…
Your transformation starts in the kitchen!
I'm a girl who loves food, especially desserts and wine! One of my favorite restaurants is Cheesecake Factory!! Losing weight and being fit & healthy can be challenging, but it's not impossible! Working out will help, but it will only take our results so far on its own. To build a house, we need a blueprint. Our bodies are…
Good things are going to happen!
I used to be a person who didn't think positively and let fear and self-doubt consume my thoughts. I remember when I worked in some of my past jobs in finance, I would lie in bed as long as possible dreading going to work. I would hit the snooze button more time than I could count! Sometimes I would even cry just thinking…
Happy Monday!!
Happy Monday friends!! Let's make this a wonderful week! What are your goals this week? I'm getting my preworkout ready and getting this day started! It's go time!!! Who has some motivation to share with us? P.S. Send me a friend request!! :)
Motivation Monday!!
Happy Monday friends!! Let's make this a wonderful week! What are your goals this week? I'm getting my preworkout ready and getting this day started! It's go time!!! Who has some motivation to share with us? P.S. Send me a friend request!! :)
Believe in yourself!
Happy Friday lovely friends!! Keep believing in yourself! You are strong and beautiful! Don't let anyone tell your otherwise! No one can stop you from reaching your dreams!!! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
Always believe in yourself!!
Happy Friday lovely friends!! Keep believing in yourself! You are strong and beautiful! Don't let anyone tell your otherwise! No one can stop you from reaching your dreams!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
Feel like giving up?
When you think about giving up on your goals - remember why you started! For me it was to get married to this man and enjoy a wonderful, healthy life together!! I'm so fortunate to go on so many weekend trips to Disney with him and travel the world together!! There is no greater feeling than being happy, confident and…
LOVE yourself & your life!
Be a girl who LOVES her life! Make the decision today to live a life full of freedom, love and adventure! What's been holding you back from living the life of your dreams? Now there's no stopping me! I'm just being myself and living my life on my own terms! I have lost 60 lbs and I'm keeping it off! Feel free to send me a…
Thirsty Thursday water recipe!
Its #thirstyThursday! How are you doing on your water today? Need some help? Try this recipe out - Raspberry Orange Water! Directions: Place 1 thinly sliced orange and 1 pint raspberries (lightly crushed) in a pitcher. For still infused water, add 2 quarts of water. For sparkling water, add 1 quart of seltzer during prep…
Its #thirstyThursday! How are you doing on your water today? Need some help? Try this recipe out - Raspberry Orange Water! Directions: Place 1 thinly sliced orange and 1 pint raspberries (lightly crushed) in a pitcher. For still infused water, add 2 quarts of water. For sparkling water, add 1 quart of seltzer during prep…
Thirsty Thursday!
Its #thirstyThursday! How are you doing on your water today? Need some help? Try this recipe out - Raspberry Orange Water! Directions: Place 1 thinly sliced orange and 1 pint raspberries (lightly crushed) in a pitcher. For still infused water, add 2 quarts of water. For sparkling water, add 1 quart of seltzer during prep…
LOVE yourself and your life!
Be a girl who LOVES her life! Make the decision today to live a life full of freedom, love and adventure! What's been holding you back from living the life of your dreams? I had to learn to stop letting my fears hold me back. Now there's no stopping me! I'm just being myself and living my life on my own terms! Feel free to…
LOVE yourself & your life!
Be a girl who LOVES her life! Make the decision today to live a life full of freedom, love and adventure! What's been holding you back from living the life of your dreams? I had to learn to stop letting my fears hold me back. Now there's no stopping me! I'm just being myself and living my life on my own terms! Feel free to…
Feel like giving up?
When you think about giving up on your goals - remember why you started! For me it was to get married to this man and enjoy a wonderful, healthy life together!! I'm so fortunate to go on so many weekend trips to Disney with him and travel the world together!! There is no greater feeling than being happy, confident and…
TODAY is the Day!!!
I've always been that girl who waited until the last minute to do EVERYTHING. In college I would stay up until early in the morning working on my assignment due just a couple hours later. I've always put things off. Especially my health! I decided New Years 2014 I wasn't waiting any more! I had a wake-up call - I had a…
Motivation Monday!!!
Happy Monday!!! Today I wanted to share about SUCCESS despite failures! I love these stories because they remind us that sometimes failing and making mistakes is just part of the process of REACHING your goals and being successful! I don't know how many times I've slipped up or had doubts but I always keep looking forward!…
My beach-style Transformation Tuesday! Down 51+ lbs!!!
Good morning love! "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!" - Audrey Hepburn Believe in yourself and your dreams, even if no one else will! I love to surround myself with positive thoughts and this is definitely one of my favorites, not just because I love Audrey! Just recently I got a bikini and it was…