hernia in incision site
At the ER last night and Dr said the pain I am having is likely a hernia on my incision site. He reported that this is common for bypass patients. Anyone have any experience with this?
hernia in incision site
According to an ER visit I may have a hernia on one of my incision sites. Dr said this is common. Any experience with this?
helpful charts for healthy eating
work and exercise
Just finished my first week back to work. I am SO exhausted that I wanted to fall into bed every evening, and I am completely wore out tonight. Does this get better? Ideas on balancing work and fitness? ? Thanks! !
Feeling a little Easter celebration depression
My huge Catholic family has a large Easter celebration, & I am considering attending mass and going home. I have my "list" of food expectations that my famiky will bring, but I am not sure if I am ready to be around all of the food, smelling it and not even being able to have any of it. I am feeling depressed either way.…
6 days post-op gastric bypass
I feel like I should be exercising more, but in a lot of pain still. I am doing treadmill 1x daily for past few days. Any insight on how long it took to really get into a good exercise routine would be appreciated. Thx!! (*)