One leg bigger than the other!!!
Hi Have to share my plight in hopes someone may have had a similar situation. I have lost a lot of weight and always knew my left leg was bigger than my right but was hoping it would even out as I lost weight. I still have a fair bit to lose but the difference in the size is worrying, here are the stats: Left ankle - 9…
Do exercise machines know what you weigh?!
I'm so confused, none at my gym I have just joined ask for your weight, so do they automatically weigh you and give you an "estimation" of calories burned?
Advice On Protein Shakes
Hi all, A little about me, I have lost a lot of weight but still have a fair bit to go, around another 60lbs, I'm 224 lbs at the moment and 5.7 inches. This is my 3rd year of a change of lifestyle and most of my weight has been lost by having a daily 1500 calorie intake but the past few months I have started to jog daily…
What's wrong with me?!
Hi all :) My first post on here, I'm more of a lurker but I needed your fine peoples advice! All of a sudden workout routines I can complete normally I'm struggling to do so the past few days. For example I usually do a 15 min kettlebell workout - mon, tues, wed, fri & sat. And have a break Thursday and Sundays and that's…