About Keto style diet and eating too many carbs
Hi there. This questions for anyone experienced in the keto diet. I have been on it for about a month now and it is working great. This morning I have already gone way over bored with carbs not even really thinking. So it's only 1pm now. Should I get back on track right now or consider today lost cause and eat whatever and…
Does walking count as exercise?!? Ideas to burn more calories!!
Exercise is my mortal enemy but i don't mind going for very long walks. Im talking like 2-3 hr long walks. What can I do to maximize this so I can count it as exercise.
My sex game is weak these days because I lost all muscle and stamina when I was pregnant
I just had baby and I gained alot of weight and lost alot of muscle.The weight has started coming off but Basically sex with my hubby is like running a marathon and i cant do it for very long as I get way to exhausted.What are some basic exercises that might help. Has this ever happened to you?? I just want to get wild but…
Thinking about joining a weight loss challenge? Any ideas?
I'm not really sure how to start one and I have no friends on here but if there is a contest going maybe someone could direct me to where it is!! I think some sort of challenge or contest would keep me on my diet because I would have to do weigh ins and people would know if I was cheating. Definitely more accountable!!! Any