Is there anyone else here who is going through what I am going through? It has been an incredibly bumpy road! For the passed two years, I started having crazy symptoms! I saw multiple doctors and no one could tell me what was wrong. I wrecked my car, started acting completely unlike myself at times and I started to think I…
Hi everyone. Well, I'm finally on the other side of this journey after going through this process for about 1.5 years now!! Woo hoo! I'm one week post-op (bypass) and I could use some friends for support! I'm a 35 year old married mom of 3 currently dying of boredom because I can't hardly move (& I am sooo used to not…
ok so I've been trying so hard to be strict Paleo... I think :-) I think I've figured out pretty good what's "allowed" and not "allowed" anyway lol. I am trying to follow it 100% for health and weight loss purposes (I have a whole person to lose ugh), but I also switched my whole family about 75% ish for health purposes.…