cassybaca Member


  • Yes I have seen a dietitian and I’m following the protocol for reactive hypoglycemia but it doesn’t help. No matter what I eat, how many carbs, etc. My blood sugars drop within 30 minutes back below 60. I’m on acarabose 50 mg 3x a day as well with no luck.
  • Thanks so much for the response! I have felt crazy for what feels like forever and I’m so happy to finally have validation that there is something indeed physically wrong- I just wish someone can now fix me lol. My sugars regularly go below 40. I have to literally eat all day long. It’s so frustrating!
  • Dang! I hope I'm down 60-75 pounds at 4 months out!! Lol That's awesome!
  • Oh I'm having the deflation issue with how full my boobs seem to be but dang it if they're not any smaller after losing 140 freaking pounds already!! Actually, I think they're getting bigger! I'm getting smaller in my waist, etc and it makes my boobs seem wayyy bigger!! So yes I need a lift but I may need a reduction still…
  • I'm struggling with setting goals myself. I'm only 2 weeks post op Bypass and I wonder what's a reasonable expectation at 6 months out? 60 lbs? 80? I have no clue! Lol
  • Thanks! Yeah I'm vigilant with not touching and washing my hands well! It's still a big lump but the hole is closing up now. Just praying that the infection dissolves now that there's nowhere for it to come out :-/ I'm feeling better and better and am going to attempt to walk a mile today. We'll see!
  • Thanks everyone! Went to the dr today and had the barium swallow which made me sicker than a dog and I had to lay down in the dr's office for like an hour with a cool rag on my head! Then they went to remove the drain and its infected and I have a golf ball size abscess or hematoma there! Ugh! That's what is causing me so…
  • Well, I had a lot to start with haha but I definitely looked at the surgery as a tool even before I had it because it definitely kept me focused and working hard prior to surgery because I wanted this surgery so freaking bad! Lol I just want to make sure I can hit my goal weight so losing a lot before helps ensure that…
  • Awesome! My height weight was 369! I'm only one week out though so hoping I can drop fairly fast :-) Boncharlie- where are you at weight wise now at 12 weeks out?
  • I went through exactly the same thing and my dr was telling me how concerned he was because I gained one month (after losing 50 the previous months mind you) and said he thought I'd fail with the surgery because of it :-( I was so stinking stressed during the required weight loss period and worried about failing and having…
  • I have just a couple weeks to go as well! You can add me as well :-) I need friends too!!
  • Wonderful post! I'm brand new and pre-op just beginning the process so this is great information and inspiration to me :-) Thanks for sharing!
  • Haha It's hard to keep up with this group when you don't know anyone :-) I'm 1/3 of the way to my first 100 pound goal. Then have another 100 to go after that. Ugh! I'm trying not to focus on all that though and just take baby steps. I'm super motivated and have been staying strong! Easter was super tough but I didn't cave…
  • Hi, brand new here. Just recently starting the process. I'm on my 2nd month of the 6 month required documented weight loss per my insurances so hope to get my surgery day in the early fall. I've completed most of the other steps already (I'm very eager lol). Highest weight: 365 Current weight: 320 My goal weight is just to…
  • Keep things simple. Seriously, nothing wrong with a lettuce-wrapped burger, with tomato, homemade mayo, onion, and whatever else you want on it. A stash of frozen vegetables is a lifesaver, too. A good meal is often as simple as some bacon and eggs.[/quote] True, but I know for me.. If I don't switch it up, I will get…
  • My oldest helps out on days he's home (he works part time and is with his dad part time). Then I have a child with special needs who's not much help and a 6 year old who tries but is also limited lol. I will have to try batch cooking again. I've tried it one other time in the past and I got discouraged because I had…
  • Hi, I'm here. Need to lose almost 200 pounds. My doctor point blank told me I was going to die if I didn't change something very quickly. He wanted to hospitalize me for my extremely high blood pressure. It's all things I know but life has felt extremely overwhelming to me the past few months. My husband and I have…
  • Hi, I'm on month 1 of the 6 month medically supervised weight loss required for insurance. I've lost 12 pounds so far and am following the Paleo/Zone diet mostly. I'm having Gastric Bypass in August/September. I'm super nervous but excited to start my life finally. I feel like I've been fighting this forever! My goal is to…