So I exercise regularly, but I also sit in the sauna after my workout for about 15 min. I want to know does that count as exercise? Because I don't see it in the panel of different exercises, so does it really make a difference? It certainly feels like it when I'm in there.
Anytime I drink any amount of alcohol I weigh more the next day. I have to skip a meal to break even, does this happen to anyone else? I like to drink once in a while but it wipes out all the good work I do.
I have used myfitnesspal off and on for quite a while, and the last several months I have not used it diligently. So when I saw my weight start to creep up to 150, I got worried. This time I am really determined to lose the weight, and that is why I am posting on this board. I currently weigh 142 which is down from 148…