I am a college freshman in the middle of my first semester- If you have any tasty dining hall hacks or any tips for eating healthily on a dining plan, share away!!
I know getting adequate protein helps preserve muscle when you are losing weight, and I thought I knew that cutting carbs facilitates weight loss (I know I know calorie deficit is what causes weight loss), but in another post I saw multiple people saying your macros dont matter as long as you are hitting your target…
I have read in multiple health articles that these are good fats so why does MFP not allocate any at all in a days worth of nutrition?
Does anyone with fitness knowledge have any advice to give me? Here's my situation- I am an 18 year old female and I have been eating really pretty clean the last two months and have gotten down to 128lbs (started at 133). I have gone down the calorie restriction route before a couple of years ago and lost a lot of weight…