I had a friend of mine the other day say that they can be helpful for weight loss. I don't see the point... I could see it if I was starving myself so that my body didn't go into starvation mode and start storing fat, but if I'm eating enough to lose ~2 pounds a week, is a cheat day really worth it?
I always though cardio was what you needed to do to lose weight. Now I'm seeing all these things saying that strength training is actually what I'm supposed to be doing. Should I do both? Alternate days? To be honest strength training scares me. I always feel like people are looking at me on the machines thinking I have no…
Can someone please explain the deficit thing to me? Like you're talking to a four year old would be good.
I have heard that you should drink half your weight in water each day. Is this true for someone who weighs 320 pounds? That would mean I would drink 160 ounces of water a day. I have no problem drinking upwards of 100 ounces of water a day, but 160 seems extreme. I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks!
Hey there! I'm Kimberly. I just weighed in at 320.2 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am 5'2". I wear size 26/28. I am 27 years old. Right now my goal is to become healthier. I plan on doing this by tracking what I eat and when I exercise. I need to focus on portion control and making sure I am eating on a…