Does anyone on here cosplay? If so, would you like to trade ideas for costumes\pictures of costumes?
As the title says, I am looking for a bit of motivational help. I suffer from Schizoaffective disorder with a bipolar aspect which makes it difficult, even with medications and a 'good' day, to get out of bed and do what needs to be done. Is there anyone here who might have some useful tips? Bonus points if you're…
Hello there! I work as an AEMT in rural Idaho, and am wanting to lose a fair amount of weight. So I am looking for people to help me keep my goal of losing 79 pounds. My reasons include working as an AEMT, which involves a large amount of lifting\carrying, and cosplay, as I want to more realistically portray my character.…
-Pokes head in.- Hello there! I work as an AEMT, and am wanting to get back into shape to better perform at my job, not to mention portray my cosplay character a bit closer to what I see him as. Also, not being at high coronary risk would be fantastic.