I'm doing a 5 Day Juice Fast every year but this time, I'm supplementing Pea Protein Isolate because I'm working out and don't want to lose muscle! Pea Protein Isolate has no taste and no additional fiber or ingredients! I've researched and entered all of the Juice Nutrients into MFP by the ounce myself because I could not…
I've been an avid promoter of not taking supplements to show "it's not necessary" and it saves me money! I do not buy protein powders, take diet pills, vitamin pills, or anything bodybuilders typically use, promote and sell for profit. I've been getting all of my nutrition from eating my vegetables and will blend up…
I never thought I'd be doing meal prep because I didn't see the need for it on a Plant Based Lifestyle. I'm sure there are benefits but for me, it always looked like my carnivorous friends were spending more time and money doing portion control and that wasn't appealing to me. I've been Plant Based for 3 years now and I…
If you are vrgan or plant based add me. I'm looking for more friends in this lifestyle Raw Roy
I've been on the PB lifestyle for over a year now. I'm actually here to make sure I'm eating more>>>> If anyone else is curious or trying to become Vegan or better yet, Plant Based than Friend Me. That means about 90% of the time I don't eat junk food, processed food, meat, or dairy. Raw Roy ;)