I've always had my sodium limit set to the lowest RDA recommendation of 1,500 just to see how hard it was to do but the RDA for a healthy person is 2,500. I'm plant based and I don't add any additional salt to my food, lowered my processed food intake during the week and find that it's very easy to stay around 1,500.…
I found Vegan Shrimp and it's freaking delicious!!
Of course because I'm comparing it to 1 can of pringles. Doesn't matter if it's 1 watermelon size potato = 10 pringles or 10 medium sized potatos = 1 can of pringles. It's really not that confusing for most people to understand but if it is...they are probably the ones in eating more pringles...
If you are referring to me, no, you didn't stump me. I haven't been back because I have so many other things I do everyday like work, bike to the gym, and meal prep to help others who have diabetes, heart disease and more caused from their meat and dairy based diet. You have to understand I'm totally outnumbered here but…
Seriously! You use MFP and think 10 potatos are 3500 calories. No, you wouldn't get sick. You ever hear of the potato diet? There really are people eating mainly potatoes and losing weight and clearing up health problems. Turns out, a potato gives them all the nutrition and protein they need! It would make for a very bland…
Let me get this straight, are you claiming that "most" of your calories came from "low fat" plant based whole foods and you gained a ton of weight? That is very very very unlikely because anyone who follows mostly low fat plant based would have the opposite problem eating enough calories. Those extra calories most likely…
I don't think you realize how difficult it would be to eat 10 whole potatoes compared to say 1 can of pringles or even just 2 potatoes that are saturated with oil, cheese, sour cream, butter, bacon bits, and whatever else people add to make it so unhealthy. I don't think everyone is that different or we wouldn't have so…
Can't really overeat on potatoes if you don't throw cheese, bacon bits, butter and sour cream on them. I do not restrict healthier food and will chow down on as many potatoes as I want until I'm completely stuff for dinner and top them with lots of seasoning and dressings that are low fat plant based. Everyone overeats but…
I remember when I was growing up teachers never mentioned calories or nutrition to me. If they did, I'd probably run home to my parents and tell them the teacher was "nuts" while I enjoyed my highly processed Mac n Cheese, Fat Fried Chicken, and Buttery Mashed Potatoes. Fast forward to my life now and I'd think the teacher…
My son is thin and I want him to start being more aware of nutrition and introduced him to MFP so he can get an idea of what he is eating and how too track calories and gain weight and start working out to build muscle. He is 13. From what you said about the teacher, I'd be surprised if she meant any harm at all. Maybe she…
With Shakeology I can just shake the fat off! wiggle wiggle wiggle he he
Many processed meats and dairy products have growth hormones, antibiotics, bacteria, additives and even the sat fats, trans fats are toxic to our system. Sat Fats cause Lipotoxicity and Inflammation and develops insulin resistance. "Strong…
My information is not coming from just researchers who have always promoted one diet. They are Doctors, and in fact, Healthy Doctors who have lived their entire lives one way and changed based on the research, science and results. Check out Dr. McGregor's reviews and research because he literally studies everything taken…
Your right, I wanted to be able to prove that we can be healthy without having to spend money on and take supplements and I know I can achieve that but sometimes it's not practical in our busy lives and when I think about it more, all of our processed foods have fortified nutrients so basically, we are all supplementing…
I disagree that there is nothing unhealthy about meat and dairy. Most of our diet related health issues are based on a diet of primarily processed meats and dairy products. Just search google and look for all of the videos, case studies and reviews taken directly from the pubmed site. Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. McGreger, Dr.…
Putting your body into Ketosis is not healthy or sustainable long term and bacon and cheeseburgers are not a health food. I think this is a big reason why people choose low carb diets because they rather eat more meat and dairy. Like it or not, low fat plant based whole foods is the only diet proven to reverse heart…
I tried the Chai and Berry so far and I loved them! I just mixed them with water to taste test and I was impressed!! This is coming from someone who hasn't had a protein shake in over 3 years and I remember I didn't like any of them back then. They have come a long way since then!!
I had the Chai today and I loved it! I haven't had a protein shake in over 3 years so I'm really impressed how far they have come!
Who's arguing? I wasn't sure and I've been going back and forth on whether it is or isn't like others. I've reached my own conclusion with all the different contributions here.
I'm sure whoever is asking will listen to their OP first and hopefully ask more questions. I'm not the only one suggesting different food options here am I? So, I suggested moving more towards plant based. Do you know there are literally thousands of plant based food choices out there? I didn't say go eat a potato. I'm…
Maybe it should be called a substitute or replacement because basically, it's taken as a meal replacement as opposed to eating that much food right? At least it seems like most people use it as a meal replacement for the convenience and nutritional benefits. Aside from the caffeinated, hormonal, performance enhancing or…
The term "Clean Eating" does not mean healthy and doesn't mean much else to me anymore when everyone uses it regardless of which diet they choose. I really don't have an answer for you because I'm not just going to tell you what you want to hear. What matters most to me is what type of processed foods I eat that are…
This is the one I'm trying and it looks natural to me...
The Rice and Tofu meals this week only took me 2 hours from start to finish. I used a rice cooker and just sliced up the tofu and popped it in the oven for 30 minutes while I washed, chopped up the veggies and divided them all up for 3 people. It made 15 lunch meals for the week. I was asked by a few more family members…
Will the cooked veggies last a week vs raw until heated up in the microwave? I'll give it a shot!
Thank you all for the feedback! When I think about it more, I agree with you all and don't consider it a supplement if it's just a meal without any unnatural performance enhancing ingredients in liquid form. I think the issue for me is always trying to keep cost low and not wanting to be labeled or promote any unnatural…
For those that are interested! This Meal Prep is super easy if you have a Rice Cooker and Oven ;) Just put the rice in and slice up the Tofu and put in Oven for 30 minutes at 400 degrees and they are done at the same time! Cut up some Veggies and just add a cup of your favorite sauces to change the flavors! I went with Low…
I spray lemon or lime juice on them and put them in my sealed containera In the fridge. Fresh veggies always last by themselves in a fridge but you can also try buying lemon and lime juice that already has preservatives to spray on them! I don't cook or steam them until I'm ready to eat them. Maybe put in a separate…