So I started my new healthy life yesterday and I know that very soon the main thing I will miss is bread. Thing is I don't normally eat it much anyway. So why do I crave it when I start eating healthy. ? I do only eat wholemeal anyway and the thinner the better, but it just seems weird that I want more of any kind
First time in the gym yesterday and my retro nike air need to go to trainer heaven.
So I paid for this app again as I didnt use it and forgot I had it lol. Here we go then. So the last time I was this big I was in labour with my son 19 years ago. So now surely I am older and wiser ? Well Older yes and wiser well that has to be seen after todays first gym role. What I have learned is that its not just…
Like to say it was my hurt foot but more to partying why I stayed away a while lol. Im a 50 years young in need of help round the middle loss. Im a cancer warrior hence the parties lol I have no dorcit muscle in my left back its now a nice boob ok sorry too much info. I can not use crosstrainner or row machines or muchly…
Hi folks let's see what this is all about