Focus T25 Nutrition Guide (Vegetarian)
Hey everyone. My friend gave me the T25 DVD's that he had because he didn't want to do the program. I found the schedule on line as to what to do when but I can't find the nutrition guide. Does anyone know where I can get that? Also, I am a vegetarian so I had hopes that there was a veggie version? Thanks all!
Punching Bag / Kick Boxing Workout
Hey everyone. I bought a free standing punching bag years ago. I am wanting to start using it (finally) for a work out. Does anyone have a work out for the punching bag? I have looked on line and most show you HOW to use it but don't really give you a "routine" to follow. I worked out a bit last night on it but after a few…
Hey guys. I need to do a low acid high alkaline diet but I am seeing lots of charts that have contradicting information regarding certain foods. Is there a complete awesome chart somewhere that has things listed? Anyone else do this diet? It is mostly to control acid reflux but overall promotes better health. I need to do…
Thoughts on shirt size?
Hey everyone. I am doing well on MFP (down 16 lbs so far...20 or so to go). My wife says I look a LOT thinner when I wear shirts that are more trim than I normally would. I am SO aware of the "rolls" and such when I wear smaller fitting shirts. It makes me feel chubby. The more baggy shirts make me FEEL better but if I…
Display Help?
Ok so I HATE my age and my birthday but I need it in my stats to give me the correct calories per day. Is there a way to at least remove it from my profile display so I do not see that negativity staring at me all day? :-( THANKS
Hey everyone, what is the lowest calorie pasta? Does anyone have one that they really like where you can eat more for lower calories? Thanks!!
Exercise only?
Hello. My wife and I are thinking about doing the 21 day fix workout but not following the food plan, but sticking with healthy foods and logging here on MFP. Is the program good? Do you think we will see results? (we don't care about the 21 days...as long as it works time is not an issue). Thanks!
Shakeology....is it worth it?
Hey everyone. I have several friends who are trying to sell me on Shakeology. They are all coaches and I get how Beach Body works and it would help them but it seems to be way expensive on a monthly basis. Has anyone jumped on the Shakeology band wagon and if so, do you have an opinion about it? Thanks!
My Foods My Meals Recipes
What is the difference between these three? Also, I am trying to make the serving size in my recipes but it won't let me. It only allows me to put in how many people it serves and then serving size is 1. Thanks!
Confused about daily calories
Everywhere I look online I get a diff answer as to how my basic daily calorie intake should be. Anywhere from 1200-2380. My friends say that this site has it incorrect. Any advice on how to figure it WITHOUT exercise so I know what I should be targeting? Thanks!
Low sugar, low carb, low wheat, vegan diet..is this possible?
Hey everyone. I reactivated my account to start keeping track of things better. I am a vegan guy (although I sometimes cheat with eggs, cheese and mayo but I really try not too) but I seem to not be able to lose weight. I am now trying to be as low as possible on SUGAR, CARBS and WHEAT. Anyone have suggestions for food?…