I am nineteen years old . 5'8 7&122 pounds. I'm looking for a buddy too help me achieve my goals of lowering body fat as I'm a noob whenever it comes too lifting. I was a cardio bunny and sometimes still am but I'm trying too find a system I feel positive about and follow. I currently don't have any means too join a gym as…
Please explain it too me like I am some five year old. I get overwhelmed with numbers and easily stressed. I'm just looking too lose fat, make lean muscle gains, and lose those inches. The link I found on the pinned page for TDEE would not load for me.
Just a small town girl ... You know the song. :) Anyway, I have had some struggles with disordered eating in my past but I am serious when I say this is my time too achieve my goals. GOALS : Lower Body Fat % Get hired Life heavy Create a whole new me Be happy. Apply for college Make new friends I was a cross country runner…