Hi, I'm looking for a gym that will do a day or weekend pass, in Leeds. Going to be staying for a weekend in July for the strong man comp, and would like to still get a workout or two in. Anyone recommend somewhere? Thanks
Anyone doing the build and burn 12 week challenge in July? http://fighterdiet.com/fitness/store/the-build-burn-challenge/fighter-diet-whey-241 Be good to get some decent coaching and support
Help! Just read that food ie veg, meat etc, non processed, have different calories depending on if we eat them raw or cooked? Someone please clarify and any advice on how to log correctly as I tend to scan barcodes but now worried that its all wrong as I steam veg, grill meat/fish...am I getting more cals then I think?
Hi everyone, I'm looking to lose 5% body fat while gaining some lean muscle...any advice on diet and exercise? I'm an ecto and find gains real hard, but recently found bulking just made me look fat and didn't produce much muscle