Type 2 Diabetics - what was your epiphany?
If you have type 2 diabetes, was there a particular moment in your life or an event that was your epiphany? (The moment the light bulb came on and you realized you needed to make changes in your diet to improve your health) I'm asking on behalf of all the spouses of unmotivated diabetics so that we can understand what…
Four bags of Oreos
Hubby and I had "the discussion" about eating more sensibly and healthier, and less junk food, etc, etc, etc, this weekend. (He has more weight to lose than I do.) Thought we were on the same page, until he came home from the grocery store this evening with four bags of Oreos, chocolate ice cream, eight pounds of pork…
Compassion or co-dependence (enabling)
If you have a loved one who seems to be floating down the river of denial as to how their eating habits and lifestyle are contributing to their health problems, where is the line between compassion (acknowledging their pain/discomfort/etc and letting them know you feel bad that they don't feel well) and co-dependence…
Three square meals or being able to graze all day?
Just a curious question - do you prefer being able to graze (eat frequently during the day) or do you find that you eat less overall when you eat bigger meals? I used to eat smaller more frequent "meals" until I realized I was eating a lot more less nutritious calories that way. There are so many opinions on the subject. I…