Things We Shiuld Take Into Account
i see people burning tins of calories doing cardio workouts. Most will add more calories to meal plan to balance out. But beware calorie estimates may not be accurate. Interesting article: http://www.builtlean.com/2013/03/04/estimated-calorie-burn/ Personally I only estimate half of whatever the app or cardio machine tells…
Rough week
Hubs in hospital, memorial weekend ugh! Gain a couple pounds. Will work harder!
Food Creations
So this is not new, but tonight I took a medium green bell pepper, cut top off, trimmed inside of seeds and membrane. Dropped it into boiling water for 5 minutes. Took it out drained it on rack while I cooked Nutrisystem Mushroom Risotto in the microwave. I added salt & pepper to inside of bell pepper, stuffed it with the…
Off Grid For 1 Day
Ok so yesterday our kids took us to brunch for belated birthday gifts (mine & hubs). I did alright ate 1/2 veggie burger and bit of fries, with garden salad. Stayed close to required calories. BUT then came fight night. We had guests over, made huge veggie tray. It was a good idea. Of course you have to have dips, then…