I started this tv workout game with some friends but we have a few exercises that we don't know how many calories are burned. How many calories are burned doing 30 second planks, 30 second wall push ups, 30 second genie sits, and 15 chair dips? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
what are some low calorie dinner recipes that I could make on a college budget?
Im thinking of joining the Air Force to follow in my family's foot steps of joining the military (hopefully by the time I'm 20 -Feb 2016). I'm not that big into exercise. I do sit ups, step ups, and sometimes do a light jog. What are some good fitness plans to get me more into fitness and able to do all that the military…
im trying to lose weight as well as just eat a little better than I normally do. What are some good meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) that are filling yet low in calories?