Have gained more weight than I wanted to after major back surgery. the excess weight I am carrying around is not comfortable on my lower back. It is crucial that I loose excess weight to take off the pressure on my back.
I have been active and building muscle mass for the past 2 months. Saw results in me and how my clothes fit. Mind set was good.... Then 2 weeks ago we were heading home from a shopping trip. We were stopped at a red light when all of a sudden we felt a sharp push from behind our stopped car. All of a sudden I fell forward…
As a sufferer from migraines, I never though my most favor food was actually making me sick... I am one of these lovers of chocolate... But recently, after tests and studying, I found my reason for migraine suffering... CHOCOLATE. yes my most FAV snack.. Nothing to eat a BIG BAG OF M&M'S. SO noe that I know what HSS been…